Tamiya 1/35th SAS Jeep

Tamiya 1/35th SAS Jeep
Tamiya 1/35th SAS Jeep

Wednesday 13 September 2017

In progress shots

A couple of in-progress shots.

Vehicles have been weathered using washes, airbrushing and pastels.

Shot of the pair of them together. Figures have pins in them to attach them to the base.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Painting the figures

Painting the figures with a variety of paints - Tamiya, Vallejo and Wargames Foundry.
Main colours were airbrushed and details painted in by hand.

The colours along with the highlighting and shading were kept simple to minimise the time to paint a large number of figures.

Simple weapon slings were made using electrical wire for the swivels and Tamiya masking tape for the sling.

More Vintage Tamiya

More vintage Tamiya - Panzer II and the old Hanomag.

Nothing special straight out the box -
posed on a couple of deep box frames from 'The Range'
- my new favourite bases.

Going to be a simple builds to practice some painting and weathering techniques.